Making of Caviar
When the fish have matured to a point of being ready to produce eggs, we begin the very detailed process of handcrafting what you will enjoy as Sterling Caviar. The caviar from each fish is graded individually by tasting a sample to ensure great flavor, texture, and mouthfeel. The caviar is also graded by the size and color of the egg itself. Salting and aging is necessary to reach its optimum quality. If all three of these characteristics – proper size, firmness, and taste – are met, and if the eggs are very light in color, they are called Imperial. If they are darker in color, they are called Royal. For either one of the grade categories, the product is guaranteed to be of superior quality and can be served any place for any occasion.
Tins are then stored at 24-27 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 to -2 degrees Celcius) to develop the rich robust flavors. It takes at least three months for the best flavors to develop in caviar. Once mature, the flavors mellow to be rich, smooth and palate pleasing. It is similar to drinking grape juice and comparing it to wine, a transformation takes place in that three-month period when the caviar is held at these low temperatures. The caviar does not freeze in temperatures between 24 and 32 degrees F because of the salt content.